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 I am finding it very sad that so many people on this site are talking suicide.?
So many seem to be teens, I have to wonder what is going on. What do other people think?...

 My son aged 27 just spent 5 months in a pshyciatric hospital.He is back in his flat now and doing well exept?
for his spending habits.They are way beyond his the benifits he receives and I cant keep bailing him out. Im really stuck on how I begin to sort this out. Has anyone got any ...

 I am always going to wonder how my life could have been!?
I returned home from oversease and turned down a wicked job and also missed an opportunity with a wicked guy, i'm so ashamed of ym actions for the last 6 months but there is nothing i can do to ...

 I have migranes on one side of my head and my skull is larger on the top, on the same side, and is tender?
I have been having EXTREME migranes on one side of my head. I have tried every over the counter medication, but nothing is helpful. Also, on the same side, the top of my skull has kind of a hill on ...

 I need help with obession...?
Ok, I am seriously in love with Chris Daughtry. I know everything about him and I almost broke up with my boyfriend just because I like Christopher *so* much. I have even slept beside my laptop ...

 What is your phobia?
whats your phobia and how severe is it for you?...

 Why do you think I feel sad?
I don't seem to have that social able quality that others seem to have and as a result I often feel lonley and unwanted. I dunno when even with my companions I don't know what to say and ...

I was just wondering if everyone (at some point in their life), do they have thoughts of..ya know..suicide? Or is it not common (like with teens)?...

 What is the best way to spook yourself (without a scary movie)?
Sometimes being scared is just something I need every now and then. I have been getting too much of humor and boredom lately. Nothing that will get myself killed please.
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 Have you ever experience extreme anxiety, stress, and severe depression all at the same time?
How bad had it gotten. How did you deal with it....

 Prayers Needed Please?
Hi Guys:

I am going to need your support the next few weeks or more. I want to ask you all to please say prayers or talk to your higher power for Allen as he had an accident yesterday. He ...

 My Mom's boyfriend Herb says my dreams of becoming an Astronaut are silly. How should I react?
He says I have only wanted to become an Astronaut since I learned that they get to wear diapers during takeoff and re-entry. He seems to have influenced my mom because she says it 'isn't ...

 Is it okay when my boyfriend controls my life?

 Why do I feel so down?
Latly I have been feeling very down. I have been very tired in the day and very awake at night. I have been crying and I don't even know why. Can any of you tell me why I have been feeling down ...

 Calling all addicts!! when your are........?
away from yahooanswers....do you STILL think about it???
like ya can't wait to get back on it?????...

 One minute I'm sad and crying in my bed in the dark, and the next minute I'm happy and working out and stuff.
Could I be bi-polar?...

 How can i get over sucidal thought's...The more that i fight depression..?
the more my depression worsen's and more sucide sounds like heaven to me..I don't know what to do and i don't know how to be really truley happy...Real smiles and lauph's not fake ...

 Cure for anxiety?
I have to do some public speaking next week anyone know any of anything that will help.
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anything OTHER than drugs?...

 Whats the point in life?
i just dont get it..we work and love..then just die..just die and its all over..and ur gone forever...i just dont get it..i never wanna die im 18 and im starting to know now that we really die..i ...

 What can I do when the GP just recomends self help?
I am depressed. I have a stressful job, managing staff as well as the public, and I feel as though everything I do away from work is a mess. I live with my boyfriend of over 3yrs, and I consider our ...

Is it bad that my therapist is the only person I trust?
When I hear her voice on a voicemail I feel so relieved and happy. I think she might be the only person who has ever been on my side. I hope she doesnt go away.

if what you say is true you might have issues just remember that a therapist is getting paid and paid well for every moment they spend with you

You should probably, you know, ask your therapist? But yes, it is unnatural to trust only one person.

Well its not great. But there could be worse things. If you couldn't trust your therapist that would be worse.

It is not bad Hun. You have formed trust with her and this is good. It works for you right now in your time of life. just remember that things do happen that we don't have control over, so be careful. I hope she does not go away either.

Kaitlin D
No it is not bad but I think you should try to confide in other people than just one because then you will feel alot safer and feel better and you will relise its pretty easy to trust family and friends. But hey I think it is very good that you can trust your therapist.

It is a good thing to trust her, but you might want to also trust other people.

I feel the same way about my mother. Even though I have a friends I wouldn't trust them if my life depended on it. If you'd like we can chat via e-mail. e-amail me at leb_stargazer@hotmail.com
We can teach each other to trust

Hi sweet

You need to known that that's fine they are really good people to trust in as well it's all under control and anyone else may use it against you one day you known as friends quite often do every your Mother and your sister at times as well.

It is not "bad" that you only trust your therapist, but it is sad that there is no one else that has earned your trust. Trust is one of the most important factors in the theraputic relationship therefore you have this aspect working for you. I think you should bring this up with your therapist. I'm sure that she will be glad to hear it and it may be something that will point you in a direction for your therapy to go. Also, she will not abondon you because she has also formed a relationship with you and she is on your side. Please tell her how you feel. You must be a speical person!

I think it's really easy to trust a therapist. I mean, you have her undivided attention for close to an hour...how often does that happen with anyone else in your life? It doesn't happen a lot like that in my life. Plus, she is someone who is "outside" your regular life, as in she's not a friend, coworker, family member, etc. I know I find it easier talking to my therapist about certain things than I do with the people I'm closest to.

While it's obviously not bad to trust your therapist (you should), but it concerns me more that you say she's the only person you trust. While it may feel like your therapist is your friend and always there for you, truth is, she has a life outside of her office. Therefore it's good to have someone besides your therapist that you trust and can talk to about most anything. That person is going to be more easily accessible when you need them most. With all that said, I think it's great you have such a good relationship with your therapist. It can be difficult to find a good therapist, let alone one you feel you really click with. Hope this helps!

I am happy you find some peace . Most professionals are playing in between the patient and friends and family. You need the only one you can trust. God. You need someone who will teach you the rules for greeting and social interface and the second vocabulary. You will have to learn about the body aura and how it affects your life. Get one new friend who is like yourself to teach you .

I don't think it's bad, its always good to trust somebody!! It would be wore if you didn't trust him/her.

It's not a bad thing that you trust only that person. I was like that with my therapist too. There are things I didn't wanna tell anyone just her. When I heard her voice, I felt just like you. She helped me through a lot but sadly I left her. I stopped going to my sessions cause I thought I was ok to let go. It was a huge mistake. Glad you have someone you can really trust and be comfortable with. Take care!

Kathryn R
I know what it's like to have complete faith in your therapist but at some point in therapy I hope that you learn to trust other people. If you can never trust any one other than your therapist than therapy hasn't done what it's supposed to do. The Idea behind therapy is to help you realize what your problems are and to be able to either change them if they can be changed or learn to live with them so that they don't impair the rest of your life. You have to feel that you can trust the therapist that you're with or you wouldn't be able to tell them what's important in your life. But it's important to trust other people also. You probably won't be with your therapist for the rest of you life. I hope that you can get to the place where you'll be able to trust other people and to realize that most people are just like you, they want to be happy, healthy to raise their families and to have a fairly good and calm life. If you can understand that then trusting others isn't so hard.

well, it's not a bad thing but you should try to talk to other people like family members

it is so good that you have a person to rely on. It is so good that her voice makes you relieved and happy. Most of us, don`t feel better even with our doctors!

No. that is good that you can confide in someone you trust.
Therapists are usually trustworthy & stable. Hopefully you will have a solid relationship for a long while.

I feel the same way with my therapist. Just going to see her makes me a little bit happier and more at ease, even if I have nothing to talk about. She's given me so many reason's to trust her. I plan on moving in about a year really far, but I'm hoping she won't mind if I call her from time to time. At least until I can find someone else to trust. She's helped me through so much when I thought I was a hopeless cause.

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