Basically my eyes are big and googly and I dont like them...I have no confidence because of them...I can only look at a person in the eyes for a bout 2 seconds if that...I hate my eyes...mates joke ...
I just got new glasses at a wholesalers,i returned them once for having the wrong material for lenses and they refused to put the cool greeny tints on them the second time round. just wondered if you ...
What is the cost for a decent pair of eye glasses. I just know that the power of my contact lens are 3.0. My eyes are fine besides the fact that i cant see far away. Besides that, nothing else is ...
My eye doctor gave me an eye drop for my eyes because they get red all of the time but when i red the ingredients it says that it has BORIC ACID. The stuff they use to KILL Roaches... is that even ...
I've been wearing contacts for about 2yrs, and recently my optometrist put me onto a different brand. They're supposed to be more 'hi tech' than my older ones, allowing me to wear ...
I have had glasses for the past 7 years and I am considering changing to contact lenses. I have astigmatism in both eyes. I have really bad allergies, but they only act up around the spring time with ...
i wear contacts.
theyr like red.the white part i mean.
they kinda like burn from time to time too, and when it burns, tears come out since its burning so much.
what should i do?? ...
I dunno if I am having a serious dumb moment but I have ordered Proclear shere contacts online - the boxes arrived today but there was no marking on the box to tell me which is ...
ok 1st i got glases today and they make my eyes ich and make me more blind and dont help at all when i look and try to read something it doesnt matter how far away it is but i cant read it as well ...
I had glasses since the 3rd grade I am now in 5th grade I had worn 4 different glasses the most recent one I am wearing is my only favorite but it is kinda big and it always falls so I leave it there ...
Is it a lazy eye???????? or am i goin crazy?
well wen i was younger i had surgery in ma eyes kuz they wer crosseyed or wateva u wana call it.....i use to wear glasses to correct da vision...n now i have 20/20 vision...i mean ma eyes look staright most of da time but sumtims ma right eye looks down but u can barely tell night time its usually wen it starts doin there any surgery i can fix dat wit or am i jus gana have to live wit dat ?????
after reading that i just learned something....YOU are going CRAZYYY baby!!! can i come along? lol
Jazmin M
Try talking to your eye doctor. It sounds like lazy eye or intermittent strabismus. I have crossed eyes myself and I always have to choose which eye I want to see with. The eye I don't use will cross inward. I've never been about to see out of both eyes at once.
Do you have to choose eyes or can you see out of both at once? If you have to choose you have strabismus or lazy eye. You might be able to fix it with vision theropy or eye exercises.
Mine is very severe and can't really be treated.
Most of the time, when you are tired, this will happen, and is common- but not a need to be corrected by surgery. Ask your Doctor.
If you have 20/20 in each eye, you cannot have a major degree of amblyopia, "lazy eye".
What you almost certainly have is a residual phoria, a *potential* misalignment of the eyes which is normally kept under control. Almost everyone has this to some degree, but although in most people the control is automatic and not stressful, in some it can show as fatigue, double-vision or visibly mis-aligned eyes when tired, drunk or stressed.
If you're not getting double vision, and it's only occasional, you could enquire, but surgery would not often be recommended. There is potential to make things worse as well as better.
Glasses to reduce the binocular stress, especially when tired, or when the lighting is poor, might well help.
They wouldn't need to be worn all the time unless you found that a good idea.
PS. Out of consideration for others, please use the "check spelling" button provided. Reading that question was not pleasant.
Lynne W
It's Not lazy eye, it's lazy keyboarding techniques.
PLEASE learn to spell and use your caps key.