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 Do you think that smoking causes lung cancer?

 Is it smart to visit a dying relative?
I have just received notice today that my aunt has been given 6-8 weeks to live. I am very upset and would like to fly out to see her, however, someone told me that it might me better to remember ...

 I have just been diagnosed with cancer, what do I do now??

 How can i tell my parents i think i have cancer?
I'm 19 and have a small lump and think i might have testicular cancer. I know i need to have it checked out but just cant seem to tell my parents i have a lump and think i need to see a doctor. ...

 Why is it that when you are diagnosed with cancer, friends and family avoid you like the plague?
I was diagnosed with bone cancer this summer after having surgery on my left arm where they found a tumor. now the cancer has spread and they are giving me about four months. Since my family and ...

 What is the best gift to buy somebody about to start a course of chemotherapy?

 Am I the only mother that would do this?
So we are on a trip in Mexico for 9 more days. I have 2 boys ages 14 and 8 and they have extremely fair skin, and there is skin cancer in our family genes. Yes, I slather bot of them down with ...

 Can we please get something straight?
There has never been one solid link to connect smoking with cancer. If you know of just one chemical that links tobacco with cancer then please tell me as there are billions of dollars on offer to ...

 If cell phones really cause cancer how long &/or how much use does it take?

 How many people here personally know someone with Cancer or has Cancer themselves?

Additional Details
I am a four year survivor. I am 34....

 Would you rather have a cure for cancer or have 4 men walk on the moon?
Britain and china are both planning to re visit the moon, it will cost about £1billion for each country lol. Would you rather the money be spent to find a cure for cancer?
I wouldn't, id ...

 Help - why won't my mom take me to the doctor?
A few years or so back I noticed I had a small lump near my jaw bone. My parents think it's just a fatty tumor. Flash forward to a few days ago and I noticed a lump behind my life shoulder blade....

 Breast Cancer!! I'm only 13?
I was wondering how to check for breast cancer. 'Cause I have pimple like lumps on my nipple. Also is it possible to get pimples on your breasts cause I've been wearing the same bra, ...

 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

 If a person is diagnosed with cancer do u think they have a right to know?
When my father was diagnosed my mother and 2 sisters felt that telling him would only make him worse. He was given 4-6 months to live and the doctors said there was nothing could be done for him. Its ...

 My friend is dying of cancer- I don't know what to say to him.?

 Is it wrong to not tell your family you have might have serious cancer?
I'm 22 and don't want to worry anyone. I've told a few friends about the biopsy, but not the results.
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 Is there anything now days that doesn't give you cancer?
organic food doesn't then it does, high fat diets do then don't,low fat diets do then don't. If you eat a malteaser on a Wednesday afternoon you are more likely to get cancer than if ...

 Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont?
My dad smokes since he was 18 years old. Can I get lung cancer from him even if i dont smoke?...

 I want to test out a theory about smokers.?
A co-worker and I were discussing this, and I wanted others opinions on it. I am a smoker, she quit several years ago. She think that most smokers skip breakfast, she did when she smoked and now ...

I smoke a pack a day of ciggarettes, is that bad?

um, yeah, that's bad, you're no supposed to smoke at all.


yes because it is spelled CIGARETTES only one letter g and not to mention you are killing your lungs

I'm sure there is at least 7 14 year old kids yelling at you about how bad it is... so I won't bother.

But you should probably cut down.

Fairy Codswallop
Yes, a pack of twenty is worse than a pack of ten though, try to at least cut down if you can :)

One cigarette a day is bad enough already. You planning on dying soon?

You could be decreasing your living years, and if you value breathing normal in your last few years--I'd suggest you cut back.

Plus, it smells. No one wants to kiss an ash tray.

ugh. Thats not only bad, it's disgusting. Do you realize how bad you smell?>

What do you think? Do you know that the tar in your lunges is the same that is used to tar driveways? You're a smart one.

Smoking is a bad habit...but is not the end of the world! Take care of your health, buddy!

dude if you are asking is not because is good...

here is a sample of how your lungs are gonna look like in a few years


You know this answer already, don't you? Being under 30, as I think you might be, you have time to change, prayerfully your health will improve also.


It doesn't improve your health at all, but calling it "Bad" is a little strong . . . as if you're saying it's wrong.

If you think it's bad to smoke a pack a day, then yes it's bad. If it doesn't bother you or you feel no reason to change it, then no it's not bad. It's just impertinent to your health.

hell yeah boy,ihate to see your chest xray ,please consider quitting or cutting down cause everyone in my family who smoked has died of cancer,plus you are affecting the ones you love with second hand smoke which is even worse,iknow its hard but trust me as a former addict you can quit and break the cycle,good luck to you

Yes it is. Even breathing tobacco smoke in a room where others are smoking and you're not raises your risk of lung cancer several times over.

Tobacco smoke also raises your risk of a number of diseases, such as liver, kidney, and blader cancer. It actually ages your skin faster, so that a young woman of 25 who's been smoking for as little as two years often looks ten years older. Ain't no easier on us guys, dude!

Yo, it's your choice. You can continue a habit that will cause all sorts of physical maladies and kill ya, or you can avoid the stinkin' weeds and increase your chances of living a long, healthy, comfortable life many times over.

Quitting ain't easy; as a former smoker, nobody knows that better than I do. But it CAN be done. Don't try to taper off 'cause that DOES NOT WORK!!! You have to quit all at once. Thing is, there's help out there. Your best bet would to be to attend a smoking cessation clinic. Yeah, they can cost some money...so who would you rather give your money to, a smoking cessation program or a mortician?

Good luck. You'll be very very happy you did it!

no, if your local funeral director is your best friend.

Smoking is bad, period.

Not only bad, its expensive. Your looking at what 4-5 dollars a pack X7 (mon-sun) thats about $35.00 a week $70 a every 2weeks and oooeeeyyy you spend about $140.00 a month in cigarettes. Later you'll be paying this about 20 ply for chemotherapy.

Not bad for the tobacco industry. But it is very bad for your health.

Yes... it is very bad for your health and you should quit. I quit 8 weeks ago after smoking a pack a day for 20 years.

It's definitely not healthy!

Any type of toxins put into your body is not good for you. It can be cigs to alcohol. Both of these will kill you. In a world like ours today were stress levels are higher people turn to smoking, drinking, and other avenues. I would try to focus more on finding healthy habits that will not harm you or others. But whatever you do - break bad habits slowly and under care of a physician.

You're a dumbass.

It's not good for you. Listen, what do they cost, about $5 these days? Think how much you could save if you quit.

$5 x 365 days = $1,825 a year. Now, put it in an interest bearing account. Say you are 30 now. If you put that much in the bank every year until you are 65, when you retire you will have $63,875 inprincipal alone. Now let's figure on some interest. Say you can only get 2%. That's another $1,277.50, and I haven't done any compounding of interest.

What do you get out of quitting? A nice healthy retirement, more money, longer to live to enjoy it, less health care costs and problems, your clothes and furniture doesn't stink, you didn't have a fire in your house from falling asleep smoking, you can taste food again, you get to laugh at the tobacco companies who are trying to get rich off you....

Isn't it worth quitting...?

yeah...(cigarettes; c-i-g-a-r-e-t-t-e-s)

smoking any amount of cig's is bad.

I view it as a form of natural selection, and strongly urge you to continue.

Sure it's good.

Good for the manufacturer.

Good for the retail stores.

Good for the wholesale stores.

Good for the dentists. People who smoke suffer from gingivitis which if not cured can lead to periodontitis.

Good for the doctors. Do you know how many diseases are directly related to smoking? Look it up.

Good the the hospitals.

Good for publishers of books about quitting smoking.

Good for people who write books about quitting smoking.

Good for the sellers of books about quitting smoking.

Good for the sellers of aids to stop smoking.

Good for the manufacturers of aids to stop smoking.

Good for the people who are waiting for you to die so they can collect your life insurance.

(I won't go into into the WRINKLES aspect. Neither will I go into the BREAST CANCER aspect.)

Notice that NONE of the above include "GOOD FOR THE SMOKERS."


*********I HOPE YOU GET MY POINT**********

Smoking any cigarettes is bad.


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