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 I need fast weight loss tips :)?
hey i'm a 16 year old girl
i'm 175 cm tall and i weigh about 57 kilos
how could i get down to 50 kilos in 2 months
i have already decided to stop snacking, cut out biscuits ...

 Good leg exercises?

 I can't breathe when I jog??! Please help.?
I've always had trouble getting enough air (I'm 13 now.) even when I was on a regular routine of walking my dog an hour every day (fast walking.)
It's so embarrassing-every little ...

 Whats the result of starving myself?
my friend lost weight cuz she starved herself

if that work for her shud i do it too?

i know its stupid but....
ugh idkkk
im deperate and i need to lose weight.......

 EASY 10 points BEST ANSWER !?
Now im 5"10, 80 kilos
I usto be 70 4 months ago before i started to go to the Gym !
3/4 days a week i do:
Cardio 20 min
Workout 1 hour ->
Arms(60 pounds)

 Everbody agree that drinking water is good for health - which one is best - hot ? cold ? normal ?
Happy new Year Wishes for all, just out of curiosity, I had in my mind to find out an answer for this question - Is drinking Hot water ? Cold Water ? Normal Water - good for ...

 Girls which do you prefer?
slim toned bod or muscles im slim but started in ...

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Has anyone got any good recipes for a really nice dessert, but one which won't add on too many calories? And how do other people deal with their sweet tooth when they're trying to lose ...

 I'm 15 years old and I need to lose 50 pounds. Any tips?
I am 5'7 and weigh 205 lbs.
I'm out of control with yo-yo dieting, and I need help.
Any tips are more than appreciated....

 I'm Constipated.?
DAMN YOU KFC !! Every bloody time =/

oh welll..... any advice?
should i have fruit?
bicarbonated soda?


 What is the healthiest meal option at KFC?
excluding ...

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 What is the best way to slim down?

 Why do people like to eat so much? it makes them fat!?

 Is there way way I can lose weight fast?
I need to lose around 5-7 pounds. I'm 5'5'' and 118 pounds. People say I'm skinny but I have a little pouch around my stomach and I hate my thighs. I don't want to be ...

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 Weight help!!!?
Hi I am 12 years old, five foot 4 and I weigh 140 lbs and maybe even more. You dont have to tell me that I am overweight because I already know I am. But I just cant stop eating. I dont feel hungry ...

 How can i gain weight? :/?
i'm 13 right now. 5'2 & 85 lbs. i get called names like anorexic, a human toothpick, and this one time, a guy was like do you eat? & i'm really tired of it. and even my family ...

How much a day should I be runninf if i wanna loose 30 pounds in 4 months?...

 What would be an unhealtily low weight for my height?
ie: losing periods, losing muscle mass, general bad health?
I'm 5'7 and 110 ( so dont worry im not underweight or anything) but just wondered at what weight i would be underweight....

I want to start doing situps/crunches to shed this belly fat and a friend told me I wont loose the belly fat?
I just need some advice on if you all think this is true and what ways I can shed the belly fat if I cant get rid of the belly fat by doing crunches/situps.

Tony R
you'll build muscle on top of fat

well let me just tell you that your friend doesn't know anything about health. Because if you work on the abdominal muscles, they will tighten up therefore pulling the loose skin into a nice smooth figure, keep on going it will eventually do you good.

This will help your muscles and burn some fat, but if you are trying to do it because you had a baby then be prepared for it not to work.

Exercising will tighten muscles, but it won't tighten the skin on our tummies after giving birth.

TCB 32
That is true u need to a lot do cardio and have a decent diet . The Cardio is were it's at get a good sweat at shred the belly . Just remember hard work pays off Good Luck !

Jesus did this for you
Sit ups can misalign a person's back so if you want to do either you might want to stick with crunches. I'm not sure if it really works because I don't have one yet, but you could try the Bender Ball. Supposedly targeting a particular area doesn't work. You might want a routine that mixes cardio and weight lifting (gym machines and/or free weights). Building muscle burns something like 20-50 calories more. If abs are your main concern and you want to target that area, include other muscle groups in your workout and hit the ab machine a few times in each workout session. You can try a variety of weights and reps. After each workout, to help build muscle and lose weight you can concoct a soy-whey protein shake. I add peanut butter and chocolate soymilk (Almond Breeze is my favorite). Cut back on sweets and increase water, veggies, fruits, lean meat, and fiber intake. Try for 8-10 hours of sleep. Avoid stress as much as possible because cortisol (caused by stress) is fattening. Also, you might want to cut out wheat gluten (found in most breads) because some people have a sensitivity to it. Even if you don't, cutting it out might help you lose weight. Diet and exercise together are key to losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. As far as I know there's no "magic bullet" that works. I hope this helps.

Gypsy C
First i assume you have a good diet......
Second, Yes it will burn your fat but the fat cells will always be there. With constant activity on your mid section, the fats cells will shrink and eventually will burn more than enough fat and will tone your body. Word of advice, when it starts burning-------keep going--------the burn lets you know that the body registers that it needs to provide more energy and provide burned stored fat as energy. Be careful though, it is a process that comes over time and you can only burn so much fat before you start to burn mussel

stop drinking pop and eating boxes of chips ahoys! should help. =]

James J
I used to have the fattest stomach. Here's a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I was doing wrong before...


Good luck to you!

what happens is our bodies tend to collect fat in certain places so until you lose the extra weight you will not see the results but trust me if you work out diligently you will see results and be rewarded for your hard work

It's somewhat true.

The thing most people don't understand is that in order to lose fat, you MUST perform aerobic exercise, which is generally consistant exercise 20 mins or more. Otherwise, it's considered anarobic.

The reason behind it is that with aerobic exercise you burn fat, while with anarobic exercise you burn sugar.

However, by doing situps/crunches, you'll improve the definition of those areas and build up muscle, which will show through the fat sooner.

A basic rule of thumb is working fast and hard builds muscle, working long and paced burns fat.

Coach Paul
You can't get a slim stomach with abdominal exercises, unless you do them in conjucntion with exercising the muscles below the nose and above the chin correctly :)

You can't spot reduce fat. You have to reduce overall body fat and often the fat around the middle is the last to release.

I also tell my clients to eat smaller meals more times (5-6) per day. When a body is starved it will store fat. When it believes that times are good (when it's being feed good nutrition often) it will release fat.

I have written a page focusing on a 3 pronged approach dealing with Detoxing, Nutrition and Exercise (especially body weight exercises, which you can do in your home).


Good luck!

you should find a good fitness coach and I am sure he will help you to loose weight you want to loose

Shapely mom
Its true exercise wont make it go away- its sagging skin not muscle which can be toned.- are we talking lower belly fat and hanging down? if so read on, else dont b other

Theres a product that helped- ok, I tried it out of desperation- 6m postpartum and tummy was hanging 4-5 fingers down-

When I was visitng a health site where I get a specific product for my older kid- they had a new tummy tightener listed- so what to do I tried that- yeah, I was deperate too- and it worked!
Now its like 1 and 1/2 fingers down, I'm into 3 weeks of using it.
its at www.katuri.com and uses the orchid extract and other oils
I really really hope and pray it will keep on working.
. And umm they dont mention it, but I've been trying on my breasts- same principle right, and they seem a little better.

robert s
You can lose the belly fat through doing many crunches. You have to concentrate excercises on the muscles that need working. You will gain weight before you lose it. The reason for this is muscle weighs more than fat and you need to enlarge the muscle so that it will burn off the calories stored in the fat. You also need a proper diet in order to notice any progress. Bottom line is your friend does not what he is talking about .

suzanne g
It'll help higher part of belly. For lower part of belly, do the thing where you lay on the floor on your back and raise one leg straight up about 2-3 inches off the floor and hold it. You'll feel it right away.

Another one to do for belly is to march in place, lifting knees high.

I would mix crunches and situps with a lot of cardio. the two combined would be effective to shed belly fat.

Future Cat Lady
I'm pretty sure that you need to do cardio to lose the fat and then crunches and situps for toning. Good luck- I have a hell of time getting rid of that myself!

she is right. situps and crunches only build muscle, they dont burn fat. you need to do some cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, or biking.

River Euphrates
You will make your abs stronger and bigger, and if you do some cardio - like jogging or bicycling, you can burn the rest off.

The situps will strengthen the stomach muscles but you need to do the aerobic stuff to burn fat. It doesn't work to get rid of fat from one place.

sit ups will make your ab muscles stronger but they won't help you loose fat. there is no effective way to loose fat in one area, you must do cardio and diet to loose fat throughout your body. The sit ups will help your 6-pack show if you get rid of the fat that is on top of it.

You friend is right! Doing sit-ups and crunches will just build the muscle under the fat. You will need to watch your diet and lose the fat with the help of cardio exercises along with sit-ups and crunches but doing those alone won't get rid of your belly.

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