Im really confused. MY thoughts are taking over and i want to end NOW! i Have A rope ready But i dont no. Im Considering Suicide Now. . And i dont want attention if most people are laughing at it ...
Mom died 9/15/07. I know she is in a better place now. It was somewhat of a relief when she passed, she was suffering so much. Now life is kicking in again. Dad passed in 96. I have 3 brothers but I ...
I am really alone right now. I have nobody to talk to. I am so upset and depressed about being alone. I am in love with someone I see everyday and I can't take the feeling of rejection anymore. I...
My best friend is seriously comtemplating suicide. He has been having suicidal thoughts for several months and have been confessing them to me, and he says that he is going to take his own life to ...
Have you ever felt that deep feeling of hopelessness in the pit of your stiomach that just made you cry and cry and cry about how bad your life has turned out? when was the last time you did this?...
I used to think that life would be exciting and full of adventure. But now, I am completely disillusioned. I have few friends ( no close ones ), and worst of all, no lover. What's the use when ...
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The ...
people keep telling me to go to groups but i never seem to meet anyone interesting there. only people who already have friends/family. or otherwise how do find contentment in solitute?...
depression can affect all walks of life , rich and poor people , but why do people frown upon anti-depressants ?? I have read a few answers over time here in answers and they were all really negative ...
I'm probably being a pain in the ***. I just don't know what to do. My family, friends, school... all meaningless, so not supportive. I can't find happiness. Been depressed for years ...
I've been incredibly depressed as of late; I cry daily for hours on end. My girlfriend dumped me; I suffered a back injury which squelched any chance that I had of playing baseball in college; ...
I have my own place, car and a job, not much money and sometimes no money, no girlfriend and no out life, like some people but i cant stop thinking about killing myself and ending this **** life, i ...
If you know stress is coming on, find a quiet spot and just either A: sleep or B: take one thing that is causing you stress at a time and analyze it
Pot, Herrion Speed
Try to sleep more than six hours, before going to bed drink a cup of hot chocolat, that will help you.
Try to put away the things that bothered you the last day.
I took a stress management class at work (it was madatory) and one of the most important things the instructor said to do was deep breathing. If you breath and your chest moves up and down, you're not breathing correctly. Your stomach should be going in and out. Breath from your diaphragm (in your nose and out your mouth, too). She also said to meditate. Find somewhere where there's no distractions (very quiet, where you won't be interrupted). Put on some soothing music and picture yourself on a beach. Picture everything about the beach; the sand, the sounds of the ocean. Concentrate on these things, all the while breathing very deeply.
She also said don't worry about things that you have no control over. Don't let people get under your skin. Exercise. Be around people that make you feel good. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Hopefully this helped
gothic devil
Take big deep beraths and then go and medatete in your room. To medatate find your senter and stay totaly focest on that dont lison to the out sied nosis just fopces on the nois of you thinking and fokasing. Do that and you will do just fine.
i eat alot
I follow the reccomendations from the National Mental Health Association (remember to ask for medical advice if you or someone else thinks that you are loosing control or cannot cope with the stress):
Tips for reducing or controlling stress
As you read the following suggestions, remember that success will not come from a half hearted effort, nor will it come overnight. It will take determination, persistence and time. Some suggestions may help immediately, but if your stress is chronic, it may require more attention and/or lifestyle changes. Determine YOUR tolerance level for stress and try to live within these limits. Learn to accept or change stressful and tense situations whenever possible.
Be realistic. If you feel overwhelmed by some activities (yours and/or your family�s), learn to say NO! Eliminate an activity that is not absolutely necessary. You may be taking on more responsibility than you can or should handle. If you meet resistance, give reasons why you�re making the changes. Be willing to listen to other�s suggestions and be ready to compromise.
Shed the �superman/superwoman� urge. No one is perfect, so don�t expect perfection from yourself or others. Ask yourself, �What really needs to be done?� How much can I do? Is the deadline realistic? What adjustments can I make?� Don�t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
Meditate.� Just ten to twenty minutes of quiet reflection may bring relief from chronic stress as well as increase your tolerance to it. Use the time to listen to music, relax and try to think of pleasant things or nothing.
Visualize. Use your imagination and picture how you can manage a stressful situation more successfully. Whether it�s a business presentation or moving to a new place, many people feel visual rehearsals boost self-confidence and enable them to take a more positive approach to a difficult task.
Take one thing at a time. �For people under tension or stress, an ordinary workload can sometimes seem unbearable. The best way to cope with this feeling of being overwhelmed is to take one task at a time. Pick one urgent task and work on it. Once you accomplish that task, choose the next one. The positive feeling of �checking off� tasks is very satisfying. It will motivate you to keep going.
Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. Twenty to thirty minutes of physical activity benefits both the body and the mind.
Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it�s gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest.
Healthy life style. Good nutrition makes a difference. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol (alcohol actually disturbs regular sleep patterns), get adequate rest, exercise, and balance work and play.
Share your feelings. �A conversation with a friend lets you know that you are not the only one having a bad day, caring for a sick child or working in a busy office. Stay in touch with friends and family. Let them provide love, support and guidance. Don�t try to cope alone.
Give in occasionally. Be flexible! If you find you�re meeting constant opposition in either your personal or professional life, rethink your position or strategy. Arguing only intensifies stressful feelings. If you know you are right, stand your ground, but do so calmly and rationally. Make allowances for other�s opinions and be prepared to compromise. If you are willing to give in, others may meet you halfway. Not only will you reduce your stress, you may find better solutions to your problems.
Go easy with criticism. You may expect too much of yourself and others. Try not to feel frustrated, let down, disappointed or even �trapped� when another person does not measure up. The �other person� may be a wife, a husband, or child whom you are trying to change to suit yourself. Remember, everyone is unique, and has his or her own virtues, shortcomings, and right to develop as an individual.
Where to Get Help
Help may be as close as a friend or spouse. But if you think that you or someone you know may be under more stress than just dealing with a passing difficulty, it may be helpful to talk with your doctor, spiritual advisor, or employee assistance professional. They may suggest you visit with a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or other qualified counselor.
Ideas to consider when talking with a professional:
* List the things which cause stress and tension in your life.
* How does this stress and tension affect you, your family and your job?
* Can you identify the stress and tensions in your life as short or long term?
* Do you have a support system of friends/family that will help you make positive changes?
* What are your biggest obstacles to reducing stress?
* What are you willing to change or give up for a less stressful and tension-filled life?
* What have you tried already that didn�t work for you?
* If you do not have control of a situation, can you accept it and get on with your life?
Other Resources:
For additional resources, please call 1-800-969-NMHA.
Every single day, save a block of time just for yourself and do something you enjoy. For instance, take a lavender-scented hour-long bath, or cook a gourmet meal for your lover, anything that you enjoy. Take some time off at night and meditate. Doing yoga is also a helpful exercise to avoid stress. One technique I learned is to lay down. Clench your teeth, make your hands into fists, and pretty much tighten every muscle in your body. Hold it for 10 seconds and then let go. It's relaxing and feels as though your burden has been lifted off. Breathing exercises also do miracles. You should also take a holiday or break sometimes, just to collect yourself together and understand life's too short so have fun whilst you can. Good luck on that stress, buddy. =D
By breathing, exercising, taking nice long walks etc....
Thats a hard one. It depends alot on what it is that u stress about. I for one stress on Damn near everything lol... and my stress brings panic attacks. Those are never any fun. I have tried lots of things and i do a variety of activities to help keep my stress levels down. I live in a town where ppl pay lots of money to go to the Doms to Meditate. Meditating does help but only if u know how too. listening to New Age music while doing a hobbie works great, Finding a quite place to rest and relax is great. I do a trick that may help u. I have a weak heart and sometimes when stress gets high my heart rate goes sky high and it feels as though its gonna explode outta my chest! Heres something that u should try. I do it maybe 3 times a day. Go to a quite spot. Either your room, under a tree, where ever u are comfy at. Sit indian style and take your right hand and wrap it under your left wrist. Grip it until u feel your heart beat with 2 fingers. Close your eyes and consentrate on that heart beat. Dont think any bad things. Think of things that are peacful to YOU! Do that for 3-5 mins. then stop thinking and put your mind on your heart beating. Now think of your heart beat slowing down. By doing this u can slow your heart rate down enough so that u will be okay. Make sure that during the day you are drinking enough water... if u dont like water drink tea but the idea is to not have so much Caffine. It sounds like u might have Anxiety attacks and those are no fun some doctors try to give medicine for it but I dont take meds of ANY kind and never have. I have learned how to handle it. Try also taking time out for YOU every day. that means Alone... take a walk, pray, read, do whatever u like to do. I like to paint or do art. Find something that u enjoy doing and do it alone. If your problem gets worse tho, u might wanna do see a doctor if ur into that kinda stuff. Personally Im not... but thats just me. Another thing that is good is to talk about your problems to someone. Not a shrink pre-say but a friend. Someone u trust, that will be supportive of ur problems, someone that may not no the answers to your situations but can at least lend a caring ear. I find that even tho i dont have anyone to talk to and i normaly talk to my cat lol or stuffed animal, i can pretty much resolve any problem that i have just by releasing that stress off my shoulder so that i can think about my problem and fix it! Find a friend... or a total stranger.. even me lol... it dont matter just find someone and prattle off to them all thats wrong in ur world and u will feel SOOOO much better. And do it on a day to day bases if u can. Or if u dont wanna share ur problems with others keep a day to day log.Sometimes just finding out *Why* u stress and what causes it is enough to solve it! This will help u on ur more sain days to look back at what the stress problem was that built u up so bad to make u not so happy and then u can resolve it then or just keep a mental note in ur head on things that stress u out. Its a big world we live in... its not easy. Try what i do every day and also but a note book and keep it with u at all times. Finding a friend is also great. Good luck to you. and I hope this has helped u
Take a walk,drink a cup of chamomile tea,light some candles and take a nice bubble bath and get a good nights sleep.
there are many ways to releive stress, what i do is i just go on a nice relaxing bike ride and get everything off my mind... if you are not too in to bikes... walking will too... just try to forget all your worries and be free... then punch your pillow
dont listen to w/e shiz these guys r tellin u what you just need 2 do is just complete your things, what that means is everything u start u finish. it realy is that simple. when u take somthing out of the fridge, u put it back. u go to do somthing u just finish it. it really is that simple dont lock ur self in a closet and shove a thumb up ur but then chant an ancient folk song or w/e these guys r telling u just try my thing for a week, no a day, no just try it! it rely works its so stupid but it works!
Cameron Diaz
I surf and play guitar. Look into the arts. Sometimes I like reading greek literature like Oedipus. These people had the same feelings as us and they experienced tragedy. Sometimes this helps me see how small my problems really are. THe best way to "control" stress is to do your duty instead of "why didn't i" "I Should Have" etc. Nevertheless, sometimes I just give in to my emotions and freak out. I break perfectly good things I just spent $ on like the vaccuum etc. Breaking telephones is theraputic also. I've broken at least 20 telephones in my career. Also, you could go for a drive, but I don't recomend it at all because you will speed.
I like to walk.After a nice long walk sit and relax at the beach with a good book.
Hmm impressive, you have got a large audience!
Um haha...
First things first!
Watch at least 2 episodes of FRIENDS(it is great for releasing any tension, especailly if you are laughing)
Take a long bath and read your fave book...and don't put candles around they are going to make you nervous (oh I don't know maybe it will fall...)
Clean up your own room, it will help but only if you are in the mood otherwise just put on your fave tunes and take a stroll!
Have fun!
Consuming Fire
FInd an outlet. I love going to the gym and working out. It always makes me feel great. But the thing that helps me the most is when I pray and give all of my cares to God.
1 Peter 5:7
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
Find something soft and punch the crap outta it.Then just lay down and relax.Remember to breeth!!
Take a walk along the beach or answer more of Yahoo! Answers. (LOL!)
Well, you can start by not dealing with this venue. Nothing raises stress more than impotent frustration.
Just me
get some sleep, and make sure that I eat right for at least a while
stress = uncertainty + importance
Lower any of the variables and you will reduce stress
A nice walk does me wonders.
Even while shopping I choose the longest path from the parking lot.
Its simple but it works for me.
Read books with positive affirmations.
LITTLE 1 :o)
Making love! Make Love a couple times a day and you won't feel stressed at all1
The other thing hubby & I do is we go fishing a lot!
all of the answers seem to be good but the first thing i had to learn was why ?was i under stress.then begin to deal with. you have heard the statement people say that's sure a load off of my mind. it's stress gone going for a walk,a ride,meditation etc. all of these things don't help answer the question why are you stressed. if i went for a walk i would want to knwo that i could enjoy the walk and that the stress problem would not be there when i got through same thing with all of the rest of the suggestions... deal with what is stressing you out and how to keep things frim bothering you.. it is trus if you have no control over it why worry and if you cannot get control of stress yourself seek professional help nothing wrong with this...REMEMBER STRESS IS A KILLER AND CAN LEAD TO HEART ATTACKS THIS IS NOT A GAME IT IS YOUR LIFE LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.
I work out.
Physical activity (endorphins) has been proven to reduce stress and fatigue associated with it.
The first thing to do is change the way you view it. Stress is relative to your beliefs about stress. Maybe you're really busy, maybe you're tired. Then think "I'm tired and busy" instead of "I'm stressed". Stress is a label that makes you think you're sick.
Now that you're thinking "I'm too busy and I'm tired" you can look at your situation in manageble bits.
Hmmmmmm, what can I do about being too busy? Do I expect too much from myself? Is there something I can let go of? Honestly, sometimes when I feel too busy, I let my housework go a little. Dropping one of those toilet cleaner things in the tank is a "stress" reducer for me :-)
Next, the tiredness, well, do you get enough sleep? Can you manage to get your body laying in bed by 9:00? Or at least 10:00?? Can you eat your dinner a little earlier (you should not lay down for three hours after your meal).
I agree that meditating and breathing are helpful (well, breathing is critical!) but first I really believe that much of the problem with stress is letting it have a life of its own. Kill the stree beast!! Look it in the eye and say you don't believe in the boogy-man!
Learn to meditate. Relax a little time in a garden or some place you like, or go for a walk, talk with friends and colleagues.