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 Can anybody say something good?
I am really alone right now. I have nobody to talk to. I am so upset and depressed about being alone. I am in love with someone I see everyday and I can't take the feeling of rejection anymore. I...

 Suicide. . .?
My best friend is seriously comtemplating suicide. He has been having suicidal thoughts for several months and have been confessing them to me, and he says that he is going to take his own life to ...

 Are you afraid of dying?
i wonder who is going to cry for me when i die,aren't you?...

 How do people deal with a fear of death?

 "should I stop wearing diapers?

 I want to die?
i want to die, i just hate myself. I used to self harm but now i stoped, but i still want to die, what can i do?
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i ...

 Have you ever sat alone and cried in despair?
Have you ever felt that deep feeling of hopelessness in the pit of your stiomach that just made you cry and cry and cry about how bad your life has turned out? when was the last time you did this?...

 Can anyone give me a good reason to continue with life?
I used to think that life would be exciting and full of adventure. But now, I am completely disillusioned. I have few friends ( no close ones ), and worst of all, no lover. What's the use when ...

 Can you read this?
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The ...

 What's the way out of loneliness?
people keep telling me to go to groups but i never seem to meet anyone interesting there. only people who already have friends/family. or otherwise how do find contentment in solitute?...

 Why does depression have a stigma attached .....?
depression can affect all walks of life , rich and poor people , but why do people frown upon anti-depressants ?? I have read a few answers over time here in answers and they were all really negative ...

 Give me a reason to live?
I'm probably being a pain in the ***. I just don't know what to do. My family, friends, school... all meaningless, so not supportive. I can't find happiness. Been depressed for years ...

 I need a good reason to be alive?
I've been incredibly depressed as of late; I cry daily for hours on end. My girlfriend dumped me; I suffered a back injury which squelched any chance that I had of playing baseball in college; ...

 I have most things?
I have my own place, car and a job, not much money and sometimes no money, no girlfriend and no out life, like some people but i cant stop thinking about killing myself and ending this **** life, i ...

 Hase any one got trouble with a bad temper?
And if so how do you control it i am open to any tips
I have also been told by my doctor that i have ...

 Does anyone else find listening to rain really relaxing?

 I feel very sad:(?
Any suggestions on how to make me feel better?

 Why men always think they are smarter than women?

 Suicide or not?
i'm feeling very suicidal right now and need someone to talk to.
my family call me fat all the time and i weight 110 pounds and i'm bulimic too ( eating disorders run in my family )

 What do you think happens after suicide?
if you committed suicide, but you believed in god, what do you think would happen? and assuming heaven and hell is real, do you think you could still go to heaven?...

I need help staying motivated. What are your tips that help you?
I came up with something: I think about how I'm feeling way too often. Sometimes, I'll sit and feel sorry for myself and put off actual chores for hours because I go eat or do something dumb. If I found a way to focus on just getting things done, maybe I'd see some progress. Course, this also has to do a little bit with depression. It's a little difficult to not focus on feeling awful all the time, so I need to find a way to counteract this too. What are your tips on staying motivated?

Tabish H
well if u want to know the motive of ur life then u have to work hard and look where ur interest goes and which field of professionalism attracks u if u will find that then u will be the successful person in this world.

Jessica K
I am a lot like that too, I focus on how bad I'm feeling and how sorry for myself I'm feeling and then I don't want to do anything. But, and I know I read about this a thousand times and didn't really believe it (or didn't want to), but regular exercise has really helped me a lot with all sorts of things. I feel like I have more energy, even after I work out so that I get more things done in the evening instead of always sitting around watching tv, and I feel a lot better emotionally too. I've tried to make it a habit (I've heard that it only takes like 21 days to make something a habit) by going three times a week, and I noticed that when I don't work out or do something on the weekends, I feel tired and yucky all weekend, so I try to take the dog for a walk or something. I've gotten out of my routine the past couple of weeks b/c it's been so nice, but I plan on getting back to it today! Anyway, I hope this helps

Obi Wan
Set short term goals for yourself and focus on meeting them one at a time. It's easier to focus on the short term than the long term. Example: Today, I'm doing this and tomorrow that and so on. Make a to do list if you have to.

get inspire with quote or whatever u like most

here with i am keeping few inspiration quote

Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do, will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, will never...never forget it

A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears".
Love is loving what your lover loves
Nothing compares with the finding of true love, because once you do, your heart is complete

Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality."

Love is like a blazing flame, golden and full of warmth."

Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."

What the heart gives away is never gone ... It is kept in the hearts of others."

Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.

"But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day
(I) An undefined problem has an infinite number of solutions. -- Robert A. Humphrey

(I) We all have the extraordinary coded within us waiting to be released. -- Jean Houston

(I) To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. -- Copernicus

(I) You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.

(I) Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself. -- Andre Breton

(I) Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. -- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)

:) Good Morning N Have A Great Week Ahead (Y)

(I) Anybody can pilot a ship when the sea is calm.

(I) We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. -- Tom Robbins [American Novelist. b.1936]

(I) Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.

:) Good Morning N Have A Great Weekend Ahead (Y)

Above all, we reject fantasizing and accept reality.
The more we drank, the more I fantasized everything. . .
I lived in a dream world.
AA led me gently from this fantasizing
to embrace reality with open arms.
And I found it beautiful!
For, at last, I was at peace with myself.
And with others. And with God.

Thought to Ponder . . .

The hardest thing in life,
is letting go of what you thought was real.


I had attitudes mixed up with emotions,
and those emotions functioned like
unlabeled warning lights on a dashboard,
flickering on and off, bugging me
and providing little in the way of useful information.
These warning lights eventually received labels,
although some are still defective and go on and off
for no apparent reason.
Someone once told me that we cannot control
our emotions, but we can control our attitudes.
When we do, our feelings tend to follow.
The AA Grapevine, January 2007, p. 47

Thought to Ponder . . .

Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?

Sliance... Doesn't mean I'm gone. Quiet... Doesn't mean I'm dead. Deep in my heart anywhere, anytime, Love like U r always remembered & cared.
Sucess is never PERMANET, Failure is never FINAL, So don't stop trying until ur VICTORY makes HISTORY

I was taught at a counseling workshop that people are always waiting for motivation in order to act, but that it is taking action that brings motivation.

It is not your feelings that will take you where you want to go, it is your actions.

But, your feelings are real and overwhelming. Here's a way to deal with overwhelming feelings and thoughts: make an appointment to think about the things that are upsetting you. Keep it. Every day. Every day at 4:30pm, say, sit for one hour in a specific chair and think and feel. Give yourself that time. Then, at other times during the day, when thoughts or feelings that bring you down and sidetrack you occur, tell yourself - Hey, I have an appt. to think about this, I'll think about this then.

Remember, you're not trying to trick yourself. Keep that appointment.

A couple of other things - The Road Less Traveled is a wonderful book wherein Dr. Peck posits the idea that depression is a naturally occurring prompt in adult lives (obviously not major depression) to examine ourselves, our discontents, and make necessary change. Maybe you need to be thinking a lot. But focusing on how bad you feel, rather than on what YOU need to do to feel better, will just keep you feeling bad.

Also, I've read that the way we feel about ourselves is equal to the amount we wish to accomplish divided by the amount we actually accomplish. I think mathematically, that's meaningless, but the point is that we feel bad when we don't meet our own goals. We should have realistic goals and we should take steps towards our goals. That's self-loving, not just thinking all the time about our feelings.

Dr. Peck, again in The Road Less Traveled argues that folks that procrastinate are less happy than those who don't, because those who do procrastinate always have hanging over their head - while they're supposedly having a good time - the knowledge that they are behind.

Getting things done first is a way of being kind to ourselves.

Good Luck! And later you can share the things you learn on this painful journey.

Get up early. Take a long shower. Drink a cup of coffee. Now you're motivated. Go to it!

gaaras girl
Some things that I do when I'm not feeling like the happiest camper in the world is listen to some of my favorite songs, and do things that make me happy. And then I feel so great that I can do any chores that need doing without complaint. Hope this helps.

Serenity S
I used to be the same way. and still m sometimes, but i motivate myself by not letting myself do something until i am finished. it always works, but no breakin the rules even if it is ur own game!

be like nike, just do it, get it done and then you have all the time to relax afterward and not stress.

bobby a
eating burittos, mestizos y con crea mas se bella por favor porque tu nombre es muy fantacisimi, eating chips watching a football game, and sitting on the couch!

im just kidding, just make ur self do wat u need to do. and that was spanish writting, that i just found in a cooking book! well if u do know spanish, could u translate for me, so i understand the book!

"Refuse to be miserable" - every moment.

Thats the only way to be high on spirits always.

"Higher the Goal, motivated you are" - always take up activities that you value more.

Find a way that you can be really passionate about what you want to be motivated on. Find some way to keep yourself from thinking about what you've done or how you look, you might even be taking some of your thoughts way out of proportion, not many people actually pay total attention to what other people look like, and as for the thinking about something you did, again, you're probably the only one.

jayanth v
for me motivation comes from jealousy,well there's somethin good in everythin its just the way one sees it,i thinkin of someone i know who is doin better in his life,thats when i get my butt of the couch at start workin on somethin and at the end i see that people do recognize me,it really pays..so just think of somethin that keeps u active and please avoid food and tv..

Jeff K
Make REASONABLE goals and write them down, try to make sure you get a certain amount done.

Allow your hard work to be reinforced by allowing yourself some fun activity after you finish a certain number of tasks.

Keep long-term goals in mind when doing the little things -- it can help get through the monotonous work.

If your depression is severe - please see a mental health counselor, they may be able to help you work through some blocks in your motivation and improve your overall mental health.

Dan C
Here's a list of great motivational tips that I keep on the wall of the cubicle of my desk at work.

Trying to force yourself to stay motivated is hard, but necessary. If you can, do something else while you are doing something you dislike. Phone a friend while doing chores. Listen to music while doing homework. But most importantly, sometimes, you just have to get it done.

Find a way to laugh. Studies show that finding humor in a situation changes your perspective on things, and once you’ve changed perspectives you’re more likely to find an effective way of coping.

You can stop worrying about everything all the time. Even though life seems overwhelming there are ways to stay positive, upbeat. Hope this advice helps: http://coaches.aol.com/wellness/loretta-laroche/laughter.html?defaultTab=1&defaultItem=2

Let Montel Williams whip you into getting and staying motivated! http://coaches.aol.com/wellness/montel-williams/getting-motivated

Rachel H
Get up off ur *** and just do it!

please let us all know what worked for you.
I need it too.

I read something a couple of years ago that has been very helpful. When I get up in the morning, I take just a few seconds to focus on three good things in my life. That can run the gamut from big things to small, but by starting off on a positive note, I find that I look forward to the day.

There are many things to worry about, but few of them are under our personal control. We should focus on those things that we do control and the biggest of those is our own attitude. If we bring positive energy to what we do, it does rub off.

Try "Being A Pepper" for a couple of days. You will be shocked at how much better you will feel about yourself and your life.

The quickest way to insanity, is to think exclusively about oneself. Branch out, get out, and try new things with new people. If normal social scenes such as clubs, shows, or malls, are too much for you right now, might I suggest donating some of your time to helping other people who have it much worse than yourself. Try volunteering at a mission, or some such thing. You will quickly learn to "think outside the box" at least as far as feeling sorry for yourself. Plus helping the less fortunate is very rewarding and about as therapeutic as you can get for the innately self-absorbed.

First, make a conscious effort to get rid of any loser friends you might have (the whiny victim types that always have to talk about their problems) and start hanging out with positive, winner types that don't make excuses for their shortcomings.

Second, play a competitive sport regularly. One that you enjoy, and ideally, one that requires exercise. Your stress level will go down, your worldview will go up. Plus you can stay fit at the same time.

Third, start trying new things. New activities, new foods, new places to visit. It will break the monotony of the current routine of life.

Fourth, try to identify and help people that are less fortunate than you. Try volunteering if you have the time. After working with such people, you will likely start to realize actually how good you have it.

Fifth, start identifying the people that are perfectly content with their life and ask them what their secret is. You may be surprised at what you discover.

Best of luck.

why no
Motivation is like light, there are two theories. 1 the wave theory and 2. the particle theory. Motivation will always oscillate, so what you must do is accept the oscillation and realize that THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STAY ONE WAY ALL OF THE TIME. That is unnatural and unbalanced. Accept the spurts and use them to the fullest

Just do it, even when you do not feel like it. It is a choice, and when you are done, you would feel so much better. The hardest part is the first step of actually doing it even when you do not want to. Its like going to a Gym for me. I hear so many weak voices in my ears telling myself an excuse NOT to...but I push myself outta door, and when I get to the Gym, I feel better and ready to work out. After work out, I feel a total different person in me.

Depression is a very difficult thing. I used to get depressed alot over little things. Like I gained a few pounds, or I get down because I'm not where I want to be in life. I find things that I love to do and focus my free time on those things. It helps me to make a list of what I NEED to do and then what I WANT to do. If you combine those things and alternate between the two, it may help. For example, i'll make a list like this: 1. put laundry in 2. get my nails done 3. finish laundry 4. meet friends for lunch 5. clean room 6. go see a movie... also, with my weight, I focus on my positive aspects and exercise in the way I want to. Instead of going to the gym, which I hate, I'll walk around the mall, or grab my bike and head to the boardwalk. Whatever you enjoy doing should be your motivation for the things that are not so fun.

Xiaopin R
Set a goal in your mind and try to reach it.

Music sometimes helps you get motivated. Listen to something upbeat and fast. Don't think about all the things that you need to do because this will make you feel overwhelmed instead take things on one at a time. You can put a little note on your mirror in the morning that says something inspiring and can make you feel good about yourself, like today is a new start and it is your day. Or whatever you would like to say. Make a list of your goals and stick to it. When you get one done check it off.

With me, if I put something off it just keeps bothering me until I do it, so I just go ahead and get my chore done so that it's oen less thing for me to worry about. Plus, the satisfaction of finishing something feels really good. So I guess that thinking ahead to the satisfaction you will feel in finishing up a chore is a good motivator. Plus, you could treat yourself once you finish everything you need to do, and looking foward to your ice cream cone or whatever your indulgence may be would be great motivation. Hope this helps a little! : )

The Avatar
Action comes before motivation, as odd as it seems. If you can make yourself do JUST ONE THING, usually, the motivation comes after that. And no matter how motivated you are, you can almost always make yourself do JUST ONE THING.

Get the book, "Feeling Good", by David Burns. It has great information on making your brain work properly. It got me out of a huge depression, and helped me stay motivated in my self-run business.

If you can make yourself do JUST ONE THING today, make it obtaining that book.

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