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 Can I wear two sets of contacts for halloween?
For halloween I am going to be the devil I wear cotacts now and Im going to wear my crazy contacts. Is that ok?...

 My eye is like spazzing out and it's bothering me big time. Any way to fix this?
My right eye is being really weird. It's like twitching and making seeing really irritating. I know this has to happen occasionally to other people do I saw just wondering if there is anyway to ...

 Is it a lazy eye???????? or am i goin crazy?
well wen i was younger i had surgery in ma eyes kuz they wer crosseyed or wateva u wana call it.....i use to wear glasses to correct da vision...n now i have 20/20 vision...i mean ma eyes look ...

 New glasses?
I got new glasses and it's like the frame is in my way, they did make adjustments but that made it worse and they had to move it back. They say that I just need to get use to my new frames---...

 My disgusting oozy eye!?
Whenever I leave the house, regardless of whether I'm in the car, walking, at a supermarket, whatever, one of my eyes waters like mad and it's even worse when it's windy! My perfectly ...

 I am new to wearing contact lenses, my vision is blurry?
Does this take time to get use to,what could be the problem?...

 When you focus on a ________ object, the lens in your eye becomses longer and thinner?
im not sure what to fill in the blank ...

 Contacts question?
i have had contacts for over 2 years now. everything thing has been fine no problems. well now for some reason my contacts are good throughout the day but at night when i am watching t.v. before i ...

I have Strabismus, had 5 surgeries that fixed it enough to where it's not "so" obvious, but because it wasn't corrected in time, I am forced to "choose" which eye I want ...

 Thinking about trying contacts...?
I just want to get some Fresklook Radiance contacts from Wal-Mart... will I need a prescription or get my eyes sized... what's the procedure?... Can I just ask for the box of contacts and buy ...

 Do any of you have a hard time finding glasses that fit right?
It seems most frames fit too low on the bridge of the nose - like a 'granny' feeling....they feel like they're about to fall off. I like glasses that fit snugly on the nose and are ...

 When you first get glasses, are your eyes supposed to hurt a little?
whenever i put my glasses on my eyes hurt a little. is it just cuz im not used to them yet?...

 Why do my eyes keep getting jittery/bouncy?
it's happening more and more often. heard it could be lack of calcium, but it's so un-nerving, i'm scared i have a tumor behind my eyes!! please ...

 How to make my eyes look smaller...they are googly..look like a frog....help!!!?
Basically my eyes are big and googly and I dont like them...I have no confidence because of them...I can only look at a person in the eyes for a bout 2 seconds if that...I hate my eyes...mates joke ...

 My eyes are fine normally but get blurry at the end of the day, why?
Does this happen to you?...

 What happens if you dont blink for a very long time?
You can do it yourself because you will automatically blink after a while. Say if someone forces your eye to stay open, will you go blind?...

 Glasses help!?
I just got new glasses at a wholesalers,i returned them once for having the wrong material for lenses and they refused to put the cool greeny tints on them the second time round. just wondered if you ...

 How much do prescription eye glasses cost?
What is the cost for a decent pair of eye glasses. I just know that the power of my contact lens are 3.0. My eyes are fine besides the fact that i cant see far away. Besides that, nothing else is ...

 How much does it cost to get your contact lense prescription renewed?
My Prescription expires next week.
Additional Details
So do I have to pay if my prescription doesn't change reallly?...

 Why is there boric acid in my eye drops?
My eye doctor gave me an eye drop for my eyes because they get red all of the time but when i red the ingredients it says that it has BORIC ACID. The stuff they use to KILL Roaches... is that even ...

Something weird with my eye?
so, for the past few days. my eyes have been bloodshot. but a weird kinda of bloodshot.. like only around my iris, and then random splotches under my iris or to the side or something. and it doesnt look like a broken blood vessel or anything.

i thought maybe it had something to do with my contacts? not sure. i've had these kind of contacts for almost a year and they havent given me any trouble before now..

also, when i wake up in the morning these past couple of days, there seems to be a LOT of yellow crustie stuff stuck to my eyelashes. MUCH more than usual.

and just now, i shut my eyes kinda tightly and i felt a pain in the corner of my right eye. like a headache, but it goes away when i open my eyes. and i can even dully feel the pain when i just blink. so i'm kinda worried. but if it's not a big deal i don't wanna have to go see a doctor or whatever or nothing.

any idea of what these symptoms mean?

ps- i dont do drugs. hah.. no idea if that had something to do with it
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oh yeah, sorry. i forgot to mention.. no itchiness at all. i guess i'll tell my mom about it :/

sigh. i hate going to doctors.

you have an eye infection. stop wearing your contacts and go to the eye dr

It could be a severe pink-eye infection or something with your tear ducts. You may have gotten something in your eye to cause it also.
It sounds like something pretty serious, due to the pain and the spots. You should probably get an appointment with your eye doctor ASAP

Are your eyes itchy? Have your eyes been watery?

The redness and yellow discharge makes me think of conjunctivitis (pinkeye). I'd see a doctor ASAP.

Could be a tear duct infection. I'm suprised you didn't contact your optimologist on the first day.

Couple quick questions:
I am assuming your contacts are soft and by soft I mean they are flexible to the touch....
How long during the day do you wear your contacts? Probably more than 8 hours
Do you sleep in your contacts?
Probably sometimes if not everynight
I am mildly concerned your eyes aren't getting enough oxygen. Especially if you use the computer alot during the day....
It's not a big issue and you aren't in any danger of losing your vision, but honestly it's worth a trip to the eye doctor,
but let me tell you this. Your doctor charged you for a portion of your eye exam called the contact lens exam. This covers you for the entire year so if you need to change the brand of contacts you can.
When you get a new pair of contacts, it's not uncommon for problems like this to manifest themselves a few months down the road. But since you aren't having the itchiness of allergies or conjunctivitis (pink eye)... i think it's something as simple as a lack of oxygen to the eye.
It's not urgent, but it could lead to your blood vessels growing into your iris, which is bad.
So make an appointment, but don't worry about getting in tomorrow...just within the next couple weeks.
And in the mean time, wear your glasses more and use preservative free rewetting eyedrops and see if that helps.

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