You have made my day with this wonderful news , God bless you youl be fine now my sister-inlaw is also enjoying recovery this is over five years now and shes looking brilliant , her hair is coming back I bagged her wig ,cause I I only borrowed this one off the Avater sight.. (X) |

scented rose
I am sending you best wishes too ,hope you have a great summer.xxxxx |

What a lovely feeling that must be for you. Its so nice to hear some good news.
I hope you go from strength to strength
have a lovely summer and I'm sure you'll enjoy every moment. |

Thank you for sharing your excellent news with us - I think it is fantastic when people let us now how they are getting on - congratulations and good luck, I hope you have a wonderful summer xx |

Very, very pleased for you! xxxxxxx |

Hi Pink n Wise.
Congrats on your therapy.
Life is precious and wonderful.
Lots of love and luck to you xxxxxxxoooooooxxxxxxx. |

bernie c
WOW that's great news I know how your feeling as a member of my family went through the same and that was nearly 12 years ago, we had a great year that year as life was so good, so YIPPEE to you and good luck x |

Boudica Warrior Queen
XO Brit what a lovely jesture I can almost hear the tune to what you have written.
All I can say to you is that is wonderful news and well done you. Keep on with the healthy eating it helps with the chemo especially green leafy veg like cabbage and Kurly Kale!Big hugs and kisses too xxxx |

Yep. Good luck. You've been through a lot. Hope they disappear for good and you live happily ever after.!! |

awww thats great to see you are half way there with the treatment hopefully with other sessions of chemo they will be gone for good, wish you all the best for the future, just live your life to the fullest and dont let anything get you down im sure youll pull through with your fighting and happy spirits, best wishes again, lauren x x x |

marie m
Way to go girl! Look after that body; no pollutants - try and keep away from the dairy and meat products; have your diet as clean and fresh as possible;juices are good, especially carrot juice, and get out there; life is just waiting for you! |

Fantastic news. |

woooooo you go!! thats great news!! yes i will share your happyness :) i am glad that something good has come out of something bad for you. i hope you get better completely and be happy for some time. best wishes. :) xxx |

♥*CoNgRaDuLaTiOnS*♥ |

That is awesome. I wish you lots of luck!
*~* |

im so happy for you, i just lost my grandad and 2 nans to cncer this year already, so am glad to hear someone made it. keep smiling and be brave cos it could be alot worse |

That's brilliant news well done you, roll on the summer.
your an inspiration to us all,keep on getting better.
Love Pixie.xxxx |

Col. Hannibal Smith
Fantastic news. It's nice to hear of a success story and wish you all the best.
Best wishes |

sian p
Congratulations - enjoy your summer.
Good luck xx |

Mrs. Noo
That's brilliant. xxx |

geoff d

Yay! Good work my friend! |

Thats fantastic news, its really good to hear you will be able to have a more relaxing summer, I hope you enjoy it and that everything goes well for you in the future! xx |

its wonderful you are stil so happy. your an insperation to everyone. Good luck for the future. You obvioulst have alot of support from people and they are so lucky to have someone so positive in their lives.
xx |

I am sincerely happy for you!!!
best of luck and an enjoyable summer to you
xoxoxoxo |

Congratulations, that's brilliant news. :) |

Funky Munky´s back
Well Done and Good Luck, it's nice to see success stories for once. |

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... we;r all happy 4 you., honey
i hope u'll b happy for the rest of ur life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |

very well done you are one of the lucky ones have a nice summer |

Mr Magoo
congrats. dunno why your wasting time on here, go celebrate! |

hey you thats fab congratulations have a great summer and all the best for the future hun.xx |

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