It is their health, why should I worry. As long as they don't smoke around me, or drinking and driving that is their business. BTW, the governments need the revenue, someone will have to contribute. |

is they smoke they poke |

You cannot generalise here. Some people you notice from the moment they light up. With others they do it so neat, you don't even know they are smokers. It is a matter of how considerate you are to others and non smokers. |

Smoking is an addiction that is one of the hardest to break. Does it bother you to see ppl. drink? Drinking can kill your liver. I feel most smokers do not smoke due to fashion statements just an addiction problem.......over eating is an addiction....Does it bother you to see heavy ppl which can cause heart, lung and other problems. I do not believe one person on this earth does not have some type of addiction problem. Some people get cancer that have never smoked nor drink. My sister has sarcoma, she has never smoked or drank. Cancer is a very sad situation, but I would not blame it on someone due to smoking. |

I'm a smoker and I'm not scared of the c word it would be my own fault. i don't drink that doesn't mean i get angry with people who kill there liver, take up police time and pee up all the local walls :) |

Here we go again, why don't you just mind your own , we can't smoke in public places any more you no longer have to go in a pub were people smoke . give it a rest get on with your own life, don't worry yourself about it, if we want to smoke we will. if we get the big c then thats are own fault we know the damage it can do bla bla bla. |

its dumb, like alcohol, i guess it ok but the world would be a better place without out them but we bring it in to our life for no reason, there really are better ways to feel good than highs an smoke |

i think its their own fault |

rose m
i think what people do to there own body is up to them. however smoking around non smokers is wrong. |

I say we stop imposing new restrictions on smokers. I live in NJ and nobody is allowed to smoke in a public place yet people still choose to pay outrageous prices to smoke wherever they can.
Well, with all of the taxes collected on cigarettes, if some people are still willing to pay for them, they are offsetting my property taxes so I don't want them to stop. Go hide and smoke wherever you want, just don't do it around me. My property taxes are too high as it is.
As for getting diagnosed with a disease or losing years off of your life because of smoking, that is hogwash. The years you lose off your life are the terrible years at the end of your life when you would typically be in a nursing home, peeing in a bag and eating steak through a straw. Smoking causes you to die early, missing those years of your life. |

I am a smoker - however - i dont feel sorry for people with smoking related health issues and choose to do nothing about it.
It is hard to quit but if you WANT to you can.
I cant stand it when someone sys "my health issues have nothing to do with my smoking"-that is such a cop out and a lie!
I know someone how has a heart condition, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other issues and REFUSES to quit-sorry but its hard for me to feel sorry for them.
Then they have the balls to say- WHEN i get cancer why should I quit smoking--the damage is already done...????
Dont even get me started........ |

I can understand why people smoke it makes them feel good and it looks cool , its not nice to have to deprive yourself of something you like if your mates and parents do it then it doesn't seem like such a big deal.
I could never smoke not after seeing my grandad attached to pipes and things from lung cancer. |

I am angry that smokers not only put their lives to risk, but they do it to other people too, by exposing them to second hand smoke. And when parents smoke in front of their children, it's really depressing...
No offense to smokers, but this is my opinion. |

disgusting and sad. |

weemaryanne AM
Babies and non-smokers also get cancer, so we know that cigarettes aren't solely to blame for that.
If you're worried about people dying, you should be trying to persuade them to stop driving cars, as that kills more people than cancer.
People have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. If they don't have that right then there's no such thing as rights. I'm sorry that people smoke and I'm sorry that some of them get sick from it, but I will never presume to tell them that they can't make their own choices about anything. |

im 17 and would NEVER smoke, and i know i WILL never in my whole life. i think that its sad how people get addicted so young. it makes ur skin wrinkle, makes it harder for people to do physical things cuz they get out of breathe, and will eventually cause a disease or something else bad after many years of smoking. and its hard to quit too! i think cigarette are evil lol. |

I think smoking itself is obvious a really bad thing. I have nothing against smokers unless like you say they are "fashionable smokers". A lot of smokers really don't like the fact that they smoke and when I have said "just stop then" they will say well it's really really hard. Never having been an addicted smoker myself I am not sure whether this is true or not but in my opinion it doesn't make someone a bad person if they smoke. I just don't think they are very strong willed. No offence to anyone of course. |

People do know the dangers but smoking is difficult to give up. It's a drug, and one of the hardest to give up. Luckily I managed to give up 2 years ago, but it wasn't easy. |

no one
It bothers me also when poeple smoke in public places. But then again, if they keep their smoking to themselves, it's their health their endangering. Not mine. |

~♥Amanda Dawn♥~
I think that it is a matter of choice that people make at too young of an age and when they start to realize/care about the effects it is difficult for them to quit. |

Dr Frank
I fell sorry that everyone else is not as perfect as you and me. There are few perfect humans like us, who never do anything foolish or risky, who never eat or drink anything that might be bad for us, are of perfect weight and build and take the correct amount of exercise. Its obvious that this will mean we shall always be blissfully happy and of course live forever. |

What do I think of your anger, or of smokers?
I wish people wouldn't smoke. I especially wish they wouldn't blow their smoke on me, where it stinks up my clothes and hair, and where I have to breathe it. |

i dont smoke...
but... i do not judge smokers
1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt...a smoker
2. JFK....a smoker
3. William Jefferson Clinton...a smoker
4. LBJ...a smoker...
bad for health...yeah...
most of the people that were fighting world war two were smoking while they were doing it...come to think of it...the brave men that were fighting world war two were probably drinking at times as well after the whole thing was over...judge them for that while you are at it. |

Uk MonkeyFinger
If we all lived forever, there would be no room for the Polish.........
Why not just mind your own business and keep your nose out of what other people wanna do. |

spirit of radio
I smoked 30 a day for 20 years so I wouldn't complain if I got diagnosed with lung cancer tomorrow - I knew the risks, I took them. I haven't smoked for 5 years now and I'm sorry but I feel so much better than I did. Here endeth the lesson. |

I think people who smoke are weak.
I understand how old people can still smoke, they didn't know the health risks as much as we know them today.
But the younger ones are weak. And spreading their toxic smoke up our noses, the ones who can say NO. |

We choose to smoke and I have known people who have been diagnosed with the 'C' word. None of them blamed anyone but themselves.
What about the fact that we have to walk along the street breathing in the fumes from traffic, where's the proof that the 'C' word isn't caused by all the garbage being spewed from cars, vans, buses, taxis etc?
Who's to blame for that? |

people need to mind their own business |

I'm sure you have a habit or two that gets the goat of smokers! |

it is fashionable to be a "non smooker" in 21st century, smooking is sooo retro !!! Wake up everyone... |

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